
10 anos de progresso. Que semana fabulosa!

Tiago Paiva, Talkdesk CEO & Founder

Por Tiago Paiva

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Dragonfly Tiago Paiva

Uma avaliação de 10 mil milhões de dólares; os 10 anos mais incríveis da minha vida.

Talkdesk employees, customers, and partners today woke up to historic headlines, “Talkdesk skyrockets to $10 billion valuation. Sydney Carey appointed CFO.” 

We announced the closing of our Series D funding. As hard as it was to keep the news to myself over the last few weeks, seeing the announcement today was overwhelming even for me. This valuation places Talkdesk among the most highly valued private companies in the software-as-as-service (SaaS) or enterprise software industry. There’s something about seeing it in print that makes it so very real and permanently part of our written history. 

A little more than a year ago, we closed our Series C funding, tripling our valuation from $1 billion to $3 billion. That milestone ignited an energy and drive within the company that is seemingly unstoppable at this point. It set into motion our bold vision to provide a better way for organizations to unlock the promise and potential of great customer service. It laid the foundation for our journey to today. And today, we more than tripled our valuation again in just a little over one year to $10 billion.

Ainda esta semana, a Talkdesk foi posicionada novamente como líder no Magic Quadrant™ para Contact Center as a Service no relatório de 2021 da Gartner®. Este reconhecimento como um dos únicos três líderes não teria sido possível sem todo o nosso ecossistema — colaboradores, clientes e parceiros. 

Also this week, we are again, for the third consecutive year, named to the Forbes Cloud 100, moving up 36 spots this year to #17. It’s a tremendous honor to be included in the definitive ranking of the top 100 private cloud companies in the world, published by Forbes in partnership with Bessemer Venture Partners and Salesforce Ventures. It is affirmation of our sacrifices and our successes.

Priorizar o sucesso.

During the past year, we made some pretty big bets, took our fair share of risk, and celebrated breaking innovation barriers. Many of the moments that shaped Talkdesk highlight our differentiation and closely align with our values.

Employee experience: We have the best executive team in the industry, period. They bring experience from some of the technology industry’s leading companies, including AT&T, Cloudera, Oracle, Salesforce, Sumo Logic, and SAP. 

Nomeámos a Sydney Carey como a nossa primeira Chief Financial Officer (CFO). A Sydney é uma veterana de alto gabarito do setor SaaS, reconhecida pela sua experiência profunda em mercados públicos, financiamento de empresas e estratégia. Com a nomeação da Sydney, metade dos cargos na nossa equipa de direção executiva agora são desempenhados por mulheres, o que é um feito raro no setor da tecnologia e do qual estamos muito orgulhosos.

Customer obsessed: We are known for delivering white glove customer service. This means that our 1,800+ customers around the world get a partner dedicated to their success, and they love us for it. Above all, we listen to our customers, because they help shape our products and our business. Through customer advisory boards and online communities dedicated just to our customers, we are able to engage them in meaningful ways. 

Courageous innovation: We hire the best talent and employ the highest percentage of engineers of any company in the contact center market. More than 50% of our employees are dedicated to research and development (R&D), and 50% of our investment is always in R&D. 

Com o objetivo de automatizar 80% das interações com os clientes, estamos na liderança em áreas como a inteligência artificial (IA) e a aprendizagem automática, que ajudam as empresas a desenvolver experiências ainda melhores para o cliente. 

Talkdesk is also changing the game for customer experience when it comes to solving the unique challenges of industries such as Financial Services and Healthcare

Somos a empresa que está a trazer tudo isto para o mercado e a crescer exponencialmente graças a isso.

«A jornada para “Experience. A better way.” trouxe-nos até este momento — uma avaliação de 10 mil milhões de dólares, alcançada pela equipa de colaboradores mais talentosa do setor.»

Experience. A better way.

Comecei esta empresa há 10 anos porque sabia que tinha de haver uma maneira melhor de as marcas interagirem com os clientes para criar uma experiência melhor. 

This moment in our journey reflects the strong confidence investors have in our market opportunity and ability to quickly execute against our strategy. Our new funding will fuel Talkdesk in its second decade of transformational growth as we remain committed to bringing together diverse talent, innovative technology, and an expanding global reach to address a market that shows no signs of slowing.

We have so much to be proud of, and a lot to celebrate! Congratulations to the entire Talkdesk team and community. We’re again making history and positively disrupting the contact center market in ways people never thought possible. We are more committed than ever before to our mission of offering a better way for organizations to unlock the promise and potential of great customer experience.

O percurso até “Experience. A better way.” trouxe-nos até este momento — uma avaliação de 10 mil milhões de dólares, alcançada pela equipa de colaboradores mais talentosa do setor, e o reconhecimento contínuo como uma empresa inovadora corajosa.

Convido-o a si a fazer parte da jornada da Talkdesk. E, se pensa que tudo isto é emocionante... mal posso esperar para que veja o que vem a seguir!

Vamos conversar.


About Help Organizations Around World

Porquê a Talkdesk

A Talkdesk ajuda empresas em todo o mundo a criar experiências melhores para os seus clientes.

Tiago Paiva, Talkdesk CEO & Founder

Tiago Paiva

Tiago Paiva é fundador e CEO da Talkdesk