A guide for effectively measuring and tracking contact center KPIs

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Identify and analyze the most important KPIs according to your business needs and strategy.
It’s easy to get lost in all the data that comes with contact center management, but there’s a way to easily identify, track, and analyze the metrics that reflect how your contact center contributes to the business strategy.
This guide is a hands-on tool. We’ll discuss the different contact center KPIs your company can track, how to record and analyze them correctly, and give you tips and real examples of how to use data to make informed decisions.
What you’ll learn:
- What are contact center KPIs?
- The role of KPIs in the company’s strategy.
- How to align strategic goals with KPIs.
- A checklist to help you select optimal KPIs.
- How to choose the right tools for KPI tracking and measurement.
Download the ebook.
This asset is available only in english.