Good contact center experiences enhance customer loyalty and repurchasing odds.
Many companies are applying artificial intelligence (AI) to improve and automate customer interactions. However, the value of AI in the contact center is only as strong as the human experience it supports. We see Natural Language Processing (NLP) in action every day: transcription, text-analytics, intelligent search, and translation – these are all examples of AI applications that are improving contact center outcomes.
This session will cover how AWS and Talkdesk work together to help contact centers apply different NLP techniques. Learn how to transform customer experience and empower the people on both sides of the contact center value chain.
This session will cover the following topics:
- Powerful speech recognition technology is changing the game in customer service, and has evolved beyond simple speech to text conversion.
- How to improve the agent and customer experience by quickly finding relevant and actionable information from knowledge bases.
- Natural language processing (NLP) can be used to find actionable insights for business growth.