
Unlock the potential of Generative AI in your Contact Center.

Webinar Speakers Elena Pueyo Gonzalo Vazquez

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Would you like to improve first contact resolution by 30% and accelerate new agent onboarding? Join us to discover how Generative AI enables your agents to resolve customer issues with AI quickly and accurately, streamline workflow and improve customer satisfaction without the need to change your current infrastructure.

Join us on September 25 at 11:00 CET, to discover how Talkdesk Generative AI can:

  •  Automate repetitive tasks and reduce post-call work.
  •  Provide real-time, in-context recommendations.
  •  Improve agent confidence and reduce the need for supervisor intervention.
  •  Seamlessly integrate knowledge bases for accurate, contextual responses.

Turn every agent into their best version with AI that will truly enhance their capabilities.

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Sign up now to unlock the full potential of Generative AI in your contact center, without the need to change your current infrastructure.


Elena Pueyo Headshot Speaker
Elena Pueyo

Value Consulting Director at Talkdesk

Gonzalo Vazquez Headshot Speaker
Gonzalo Vazquez

Strategic Solution Engineer at Talkdesk

"Talkdesk has removed the unnecessary complexity of other cloud center solutions."

André Cavaco Leitão, Global director, Workforce optimization, Farfetch.

Read the full customer story.