Intelligenza Artificiale

Qual è il problema di ChatGPT nel contact center?

Ben Rigby, Talkdesk

By Ben Rigby

0 minuti di lettura

Chatgpt Contact Center Ethics

Esplorare le preoccupazioni etiche della ChatGPT nel contact center.

Exploring the ethical concerns of ChatGPT in the contact center.

I’ve been writing feverishly lately about the opportunity ChatGPT (and other generative AI systems) presents for the contact center. At Talkdesk, we believe that the generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) large language models (LLMs) powering systems like ChatGPT are going to be the backbone of the next generation of contact centers as a service (CCaaS).

We’ve launched our first feature that harnesses these capabilities to automatically summarize customer conversations and accurately select their dispositions (e.g., requests follow-up, wants to cancel service, etc.)—effectively eliminating most of a customer service agent’s after call work. And we are actively integrating these LLMs into other core contact center use cases, as well as shaping our roadmap to accelerate the value our customers can gain from these natural language processing techniques.

Ma comprendiamo anche la portata di questa nuova tecnologia e il potenziale che ha di fare del male e del bene.

A number of prominent tech leaders—including Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and Andrew Yang—are publicly calling for a pause in the training of AI systems more powerful than ChatGPT-4. Their general ethical concern is that runaway AI will overtake humanity’s ability to harness it for good.

Con questi grandi nomi che si esprimono su alcuni aspetti negativi dei sistemi AI, ho pensato che fosse un buon momento per delineare alcune delle principali preoccupazioni etiche di questi nuovi LLM per il contact center. Qualsiasi azienda che stia pensando di utilizzare questi modelli di AI nel proprio contact center deve essere consapevole delle potenziali insidie e prendere in considerazione i processi che contribuiranno a garantire esperienze sicure e positive per i clienti.

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Cinque preoccupazioni etiche della ChatGPT nel contact center.

Five ethical concerns of ChatGPT in the contact center.

1. Trasparenza.

The first ethical concern with using ChatGPT and other generative AI systems in the contact center is transparency, which applies both to being clear about how an AI-driven decision was made as well as the fact that it was made by AI in the first place. Customers have the right to know if their interaction was mediated by AI. If customers believe they are talking to a human and later discover that they were talking to a chatbot, for example, it could erode trust in the company and damage customer relationships with the brand. Full disclosure to the customer is crucial when designing chatbots and virtual agents.

2. Bias.

Another ethical concern is the potential for bias in the responses of chatbots and virtual agents. ChatGPT is a machine learning model that is trained on vast amounts of text data, and there is a risk that this data could be biased in some way. If, for example, an automatic quality review favors one pattern of speech over another, this could lead to unequal treatment of agents whose backgrounds included learning that pattern of speech. In other words, this type of bias can lead to discrimination.

3. Sicurezza dei dati e privacy.

When using ChatGPT, user interactions are logged and stored, and personal conversations could be accessible to anyone if proper security measures are not in place. As with any software system handling personally identifiable data, data flowing through the LLM needs to remain encrypted end to end and follow all of the data privacy considerations that keep customers’ data safe.

4. Produzione veritiera.

Un'altra preoccupazione etica è la possibilità per ChatGPT di "allucinare" o di inventare risposte che potrebbero non essere veritiere, ma di trasmettere questi fatti alternativi in modo convincente. Naturalmente, non vogliamo fornire informazioni errate ai clienti, soprattutto se le utilizzano per prendere decisioni sulla vita.

5. Spostamento del lavoro.

Finally, there is the concern of job displacement. As more companies turn to AI-based chatbots like ChatGPT, there is a risk that human contact center agents could lose their jobs. Companies must consider the impact that automation could have on their employees and take steps to mitigate any negative effects. In particular, contact center managers should imagine new opportunities to increase agent satisfaction by introducing tools that will automate menial tasks and help agents complete their work faster.

ChatGPT e il contact center del futuro


ChatGPT e il contact center del futuro

ChatGPT and the contact center of the future

Scopri come questa nuova ed entusiasmante tecnologia trasformerà ogni cosa, dall'IA conversazionale al ruolo dell'agente del contact center.

Pausa al GPT-4?

Pause at GPT-4?

La velocità dei recenti progressi nei LLM è stata sbalorditiva, e ci sono preoccupazioni legittime come quelle sopra descritte. Il rapido sviluppo dell'IA senza salvaguardie (come minimo, la considerazione e la mitigazione degli esiti negativi) potrebbe far sì che tali esiti negativi prendano vita su una scala molto più ampia di quanto non abbiano già iniziato a fare. 

The Future of Life Institute (FLI)—the author of the open letter calling for a pause—wants to ensure that AI technology is developed in a way that benefits humanity and avoids potential risks and dangers. They are concerned that the major AI labs are in an “out-of-control” arms race, and currently, there is no proper oversight ensuring they are working in an ethical manner.

Seguiremo con attenzione queste discussioni che si evolvono nel tempo. Ma il nostro impegno nei confronti dei nostri clienti e dei milioni di persone che interagiscono ogni giorno con i nostri sistemi software è quello di valutare continuamente l'impatto delle nostre decisioni rispetto alle considerazioni etiche sopra descritte.

Quindi ChatGPT è etico da usare nel contact center?

So is ChatGPT ethical to use in the contact center?

In short, yes…with the appropriate precautions. For the LLM-powered features that we’ve already delivered to market and those we are developing, we at Talkdesk have already taken steps to minimize the potential ethical issues described above. We allow for transparent decision-making in the development process. We include modification by a human reviewer to remediate bias if it should exist. We maintain an absolute commitment to data privacy and security. We include anti-hallucination techniques in all our product designs to ensure no misinformation reaches our clients or their customers. And we give careful consideration to the impact of LLMs on human agents—with an eye toward imagining expanded roles for humans in the age of automation (I recently wrote about the concept of steering agents that oversee a team of bots).

Mentre gli LLM miglioreranno la qualità del servizio per i milioni di noi che cercano aiuto e supporto dalle aziende che amiamo, spetta agli ingegneri del software, ai designer e ai leader di prodotto tra di noi considerare e affrontare questi problemi etici durante la costruzione.

Scopra come ChatGPT rivoluzionerà il servizio clienti.

See how ChatGPT will revolutionize customer service.

Join me and Brooke Lynch, CCW Digital’s Senior Analyst, to learn how ChatGPT and generative AI is going to fundamentally change our understanding of customer service and the role of the contact center. In this conversation, I will explain why ChatGPT is so revolutionary and the impact it’s having on natural language processing. I will also share my vision of the role of the customer service agent in the era of generative AI. Watch the full webinar to see how ChatGPT is transforming customer service.


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Ben Rigby, Talkdesk

Ben Rigby

SVP, Global Head of Product & Engineering, Growth presso Talkdesk,unicorno nel settore dei software as a service (CCaaS). In precedenza, ha diretto la divisione di IA presso Directly: Automazione del servizio clienti con agenti virtuali basati sull'IA; CEO di Uso di modelli di machine learning per prevedere l'abbandono, la ritenzione e il LTV; Software engineer presso The Main Quad: acquisito da Student Advantage; Engineering lead per il sito web consumer di The North Face per cinque anni; CTO presso una startup SaaS con clienti tra cui Sam Adams, Hyundai, Old Navy, IBM, The Sierra Club e Scion.