Trascrizione di messaggi vocali.
With voicemail transcription, notifications, metrics and assignment you can easily keep your finger on the pulse of your company.

Talkdesk’s voicemail settings, including custom greetings, can be easily configured to meet your unique business needs. Callers can be routed to voicemail to ensure that their concerns are heard and recorded, regardless of your availability to speak directly at any given time. Voicemail transcription, notifications and metrics allow you to you can stay abreast of your customers’ needs no matter when they call. Automated workflows takes these features one step further by instantly creating tickets within your helpdesk or CRM when you miss a call to improve efficiency. Voicemail assignment to agents ensure that the appropriate agents are given the recorded information and delegated to respond to specific voicemail messages.
Custom Greetings
Customize your voicemail greetings by using our text-to-speech functionality, recording your own greeting or uploading an audio recording. This functionality makes it simple to create custom voicemail messages to optimize and personalize your customer experience.
Voicemail Settings
Adjust your voicemail settings to enable functionality at the times that work best for you, with the option of disabling the use of voicemail entirely. Providing callers with the option to leave a message only when appropriate helps to ensure that your team only receives a manageable amount of voicemail.
Voicemail Transcription
Activate voicemail transcription to have all messages automatically and immediately transcribed, added to the caller’s activity feed and emailed to the team member of your choice. This saves time and prevents callers from being overlooked.
Voicemail Notifications
When you enable voicemail notifications, each voicemail message will trigger Talkdesk to create an email with the voicemail recording, data and transcription in real-time. This feature helps to ensure that you stay informed and can respond to calls in a timely manner.
Voicemail Metrics
Talkdesk provides the following voicemail metrics: voicemails left during business hours, voicemails left outside of business hours, voicemails left from the interactive voice response system and voicemails left from the waiting queue. These metrics empower your managers by providing them with the information they need to make data-driven decisions for your company.
Workflow automatizzati
Talkdesk automatically creates a new ticket with the voicemail recording, data and transcription in your helpdesk or CRM when a voicemail is received. This feature makes it easy for you to keep track of every voicemail interaction and respond accordingly.
Voicemail Assignment to Agents
Easily assign voicemail follow-up to specific team members or departments by making a selection from Talkdesk’s straightforward dropdown menu. Dividing the workload in this way can help optimize the efficiency of your team by ensuring that responsibilities are delegated and defined clearly.
Basta lasciare un messaggio vocale
Countless time is often wasted by phone reps repeating a similar message over and over to a customer or prospect. Voicemail drop helps solve this inefficiency and improves message consistency by allowing the rep to leave a personal pre-recorded voicemail message with ease using Callbar®.