White paper

Running a virtual call center: The technical challenges for IT

Running Virtual Call Center The Technical Challenges For It

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Today’s enterprise IT teams face demanding challenges to ensure call center operations can be maintained in a work-from-home environment. On top of technical barriers to enabling a virtual call center, there may be misalignment between IT stakeholders and organizational leaders. Though there are several ways to implement a virtual call center, IT leaders should consider what impact these methods have on cost, resources and the organization’s customer experience. 

Download this white paper now and learn about:

  • The pros and cons of the four most common methods of enabling a virtual call center — External Device Mode, Remote Desktop Interface, Virtual Private Network and cloud.
  • How to evaluate the viability of your virtual call center as a long-term strategy.
  • Ways to present business stakeholders with unprecedented value while keeping expenditure low. 
  • Why moving to the cloud is a strategic decision for future-proofing an organization.

Download the white paper.